The following post is from the chapter titled “Gratitude” in my book,”Love Your Life And Expect The Best”:     The title I chose for this book is the short version of my definition of gratitude: “Love Your Life and Expect the Best”.  You may be wondering how a person canContinue Reading

Thriving -VS- Surviving:   Perhaps you, like I, have been told by others that you are a survivor.  And, maybe you, like I, have even said to yourself, “I’m a survivor.”  We pull through a difficult situation and soldier on saying, “there, I managed to survive that!”  Surviving implies we areContinue Reading

Embracing Vitality:   I love the word ‘vitality’.  When I hear, say, or write it, I get a very clear mental image of a life lived with positive energy and to the fullest!  As a matter of fact, two of Webster’s definitions of vitality are; “capacity to live and develop”, andContinue Reading

Why Energy Matters:   Let’s talk about energy–human energy, that is.  We all generate and receive it.  It’s what moves us forward in a positive direction, attracting and creating the lives we love, or holds us back in a place of negativity.  Here is an important fact to remember; the choiceContinue Reading

What’s Holding You Back:   A few weeks ago, I was discussing personal and professional goals over lunch with a friend.  She shared her plans that were in process.  She is making new, exciting additions to her website and asked about my plans.  I said that for some time, I hadContinue Reading