Letting Go:
Volumes have been written on the topic of letting go of unhealthy habits, negative experiences, toxic relationships, judgement, guilt, etc. I’ve learned practiced, and taught techniques for letting go of the negative situations that may come up in life. Today, however, I am inspired to write about letting go of some of the good things as life changes and moves us forward.
In our initial excitement to move into the new chapter of life, we may not realize the importance of saying a proper goodbye to what will soon become a lovely part of our past. There are a number of situations where this may apply. To name just a few; leaving a successful job and great co-workers to accept a new career opportunity; seeing a child graduate and head off to college or get married; selling a home you have loved and made wonderful memories in as you prepare to move to a new, lovely home. I find myself in the later situation, and that is the source of my inspiration as I write today. My husband and I have lived on our sweet, little farm since we were married nearly seventeen years ago. We changed it, personalized it, and made it “ours”. Rarely a day goes by without our expressing our love and gratitude for our beautiful property and home. It is and has been a very “good thing”, and we must find ways of letting go as life moves us forward to the next wonderful chapter of our lives together in our new, lovely home. This sweet farm will be someone else’s new beginning, and they will make it there own. Being aware of that makes our letting go process a bit easier.
It can be bittersweet saying goodbye to something we know and love, but part of living an abundant life is receiving life’s opportunities and stepping into them when the time is right.
Coach M